SisDr Sandra Richards

SisDr Sandra Richards is an African-centred scholar-practitioner who holds a Masters degree in Education from the Open University and a PhD from Brunel University in the UK for her research in the area of education inclusion. Her work is rooted in the principles of MA’AT and her book ‘The Way We See It’ teases out uncomfortable historical links between school exclusion and British education policy; in it, she calls for “difficult conversations” between educators and parents which requires moving beyond the discomfort of white supremacy to address the gap that exists between the theory and practice of social inclusion.

Sandra is respectfully addressed as SisDr as she seeks to hold on to an African sensibility and connection with a global African population alongside her status as a researcher. SisDr Sandra Richards left the UK in 2008 to join The University of The West Indies as a Quality Assurance Officer. Prior to this Sandra lectured in social policy.

SisDr is also the author of a self-development workbook ‘The Journey’, which offers practical solutions for personal growth, professional development and education achievement among other aspects of life’s ages and stages.